Sunday, April 24, 2011

May 2011 Update

 Den Meetings- Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at Belle Creek Charter School Cafeteria unless notified by your Den Leader
May Den Meeting Dates are:
5/3/11, 5/10/11

Pack Meetings - Tuesday from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at Belle Creek Charter School Cafeteria.

*Special Dates to Note*

Tuesday, April 26th
Pack Meeting at cafeteria.

Saturday, May 7th
Scout Day at Dinosaur Ridge
Earn your Geology Belt Loop
This is not an organized Pack activity, but lots of fun. If you are interested in going and would like to know if others are attending, please email me and I'll put out the word so you can get connected.

Saturday, May 21st POSTPONED!!- due to scheduling conflictsThe Denver Tea Room
Take Mom or Dad to Tea

Do something nice for Mom or Dad and earn your Good Manners Belt Loop. Cubmaster Don will be there, too!

Tuesday, May 17
Crossover Ceremony Pack Meeting
Scouts will receive next rank neckerchiefs. All Scouts and parents need to attend.

Saturday, June 11
Fishing Derby
Details TBA
Earn your Fishing Belt Loop or work towards your Fishing Pin!

July 7, 8 & 9
Magness Cub Scout Camp!!
If you have not received any details and are registered to attend, please contact Committee Chair, Ami Rowland.

Saturday, August 13
Pack 13 Picnic
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Place TBA

Hi Scout Parents,

I know everyone is racing to the end of the school year with a lot of committments on their plates.  Please take a minute to review the dates above and mark them on your calendar.  If you have any questions about the dates/activities, please let me know.

ALSO, we are working very hard to make sure that all parents are entered in Scout Manage, the program which tracks achievement information for our pack and allows emails to be sent to all members.  If you did not receive an email, dated April 14th, from Scout Manage, please let me know so we can add your email to the list.  If you have already contacted me about this, no need to do so again - just wanted to double check with folks.

Thanks for all you've done this year to help all of our boys in Scouting,
Communications Chair

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Den Meetings- Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at Belle Creek Charter School Cafeteria unless notified by your Den Leader

January Den Meeting Dates
1/4, 1/11, 1/18
February Den Meeting Dates

2/1, 2/8, 2/15

Pack Meetings - Fourth Tuesday of the month from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at Belle Creek Charter School Cafeteria.
January Pack Meeting
February Pack Meeting
2/22  No Pack Meeting as the Pack will meet at Blue & Gold on Friday 2/25/11 (see below).

*2011 Special Dates to Note*
Pinewood Derby - Saturday, February 5th from 9 to 2 pm at Belle Creek Family Center Gym.

Blue and Gold Banquet - Friday, February 25th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the Elk's Lodge in Brighton (101 North Main Street - on the corner of Main & Strong, 1 block North of Bridge Street).

Happy New Year to all of our Scouting Families!
I hope the holiday season was enjoyable for all of you and the new year is off to a great start.  Please review the information below and mark your calendars with the dates listed above.

It is recharter time. Boy Scouts of America requires each pack to recharter. Please see Committee Chair, Ami Rowland,to pay for your 2011 dues to BSA. You can also pay to renew or start your son's Boy's Life subscription at the same time.
  • BSA dues are $15 for the year.
  • Boy's Life subscription is $12 for the year.
  • Adult volunteers need to pay their dues for the 2011 year at the same time.
  • The dues have to be in by Tuesday February 1st. If you have any questions please contact Ami at
Pinewood Derby Fund Raiser. We will have pinewood derby car kits for sale for parents, older brothers, older sisters, aunts uncles, cousins, or anyone who would like to try their hand at racing a pinewood derby car. The cars will be $7 each, see Ami or Fred Rowland to purchase your cars for this race.  Ami and Fred will be at the den meetings with the cars.

Pinewood Derby Time!!!! The pinewood derby is going to be held Saturday February 5th. If you have any questions about what the rules are for your boy's car please contact Fred Rowland at

We Need Your Help!
Pack 13 has some wonderful activities for all of our scouts which teach skills and allow some fun time as well.  Our committee members and den leaders volunteer their time to coordinate activities for the boys.  However, help is needed.  We are asking each scout family to volunteer time with at least one scouting event (if you just love us too much, you may volunteer for more!) Some Volunteer Opportunities to consider:

Pinewood Derby - February, 5th 9 to 2 pm.
This is such a fun event but it also requires a lot of help.  Here are some of the volunteer jobs needed to make this a successful event:
1. Assist with the Den build day.  We'll have a day when the scouts can come and build/start working on their cars with the assistance of adults.
2. Set up the track, test it, and make any necessary repairs on January 15th. 
3.Run car pit on race day. Last minute adjustments to cars and repairs to cars that break on the track during racing.
4.Line judge. Determining which car wins the heat.
5. Keeping track of scores.
6. Post race cleanup. Putting away chairs and packing up the track.
7. Make ballots for Design award voting.

Blue and Gold Banquet - Friday, February 25 - 6:30 - 9 PM
The Blue and Gold Banquet celebrates the anniversary of Scouting. The Pack gathers together to share a meal and celebrate the accomplishments of the year. The banquet is funded by the Pack and through donations.

1.  Member of the Planning Committee or be able to complete one of the tasks the planning committee needs.
2.  Soliciting catering.
3.  Pre-event setup, and post-event cleanup

Scout Show
Scout show is like a giant carnival, Boy Scout style. Scout Troops and Packs from across the region gather at the Denver Coliseum and each Troop or Pack sets up a booth with an activity - carnival type games, cooking and other special demonstrations, skills activities (for example: obstacle courses, canoeing, target practice with slingshots). Tickets are sold as a fundraiser. The ticket is also a discount card good throughout the year for a variety of goods and services. One ticket gets an entire family into the show and activities are free!

1. Member of the booth planning committee,
2. Setup, tear down,
3.  Volunteer shifts at the booth during the event

Communications Chair
Once a month, this person gathers updated Den information from Den Leaders and assembles it to post to the Pack's blog. (easy to learn if you have not used a blog before). Additional emails may need to be sent periodically. The current Communications Chairperson will be happy to provide training. A one year commitment is requested.

Please email me to let me know what task you can help with and I'll put you in touch with the appropriate person.  Our pack cannot do these activities without the help of the parents. We all very much appreciate the time you'll be giving!

Thank you to all who volunteered to work the Coat Drive in December. We had a great response and were able to donate all of our coats to Coats for Colorado.

Below are some December den meeting pics.  Our Tigers and Bears made holiday cards for family and for an assisted living home.  Our Wolves made bird houses.  Thank you to Mr. Nixon for assembling and packaging all of the bird house kits!!! Your volunteer efforts are appreciated by all who took home a birdhouse! 
Our Bears making cards for family.

Our Tiger and Tiger Parent making cards for assisted living residents.

Webelos I at work on their activity with their Den Leader.
Mr. Nixon helping with the birdhouse building.

Thank you and let me know if you have questions.
Communications Chair