Saturday, April 17, 2010

Webelos II Crossover Ceremony

Here are some pics from the Crossover Ceremony for Webelos II.  All of the boys crossed over to Boy Scouts and their new Scout Leaders were on  hand to participate in the ceremony. 

Congratulations to all these Scouts and their Parents on a job well done!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Information from April Pack Meeting


WEDNESDAY- APRIL 14TH - Cross Over Ceremony for Webelos II
Belle Creek Cafeteria from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
SATURDAY – APRIL 24TH Scout Show at the Western Stock Show Complex.  Please sign up for a volunteer slot!
TUESDAY – MAY11th – PACK MEETING / Cross Over Ceremony for all Boys. 
Belle Creek Cafeteria from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
SATURDAY - JUNE 12th – Fishing Derby in Nederland, CO
CAMPING WEEKEND - July 22nd - July 24th – Magness Summer Camp
SATURDAY – AUGUST 14th - Pack Picnic

Hi Scouts and Parents~
To make it easier on everyone, I will now post meeting dates at the beginning of each blog post.  That way you don't have to dig through previous posts to find important dates.

If you missed tonight's Pack Meeting, here are some announcements for you to note:

1.  Dues:  If you haven't paid your dues, please see your Den Leader to do this.  As March was Spring Break, most of us haven't paid March dues, so keep that in mind.  As a reminder, dues are $3.00 per month and we will only be collecting dues through May. 

2.  Scout Show:  The Scout Show is coming up and your tickets and money for tickets sold were due tonight.  Please contact Sheri Collier if you have not turned in your money and tickets.  Also, we need volunteers to staff our booth.  There was a sign up sheet at tonight's meeting and we have approximately half of the slots filled but we still need your help.  We will have the sign up sheet at tomorrow's Cross Over Ceremony for Webelos II.  If you will not be at the ceremony tomorrow night, please email Sheri Collier to find out about volunteer slots that we need to fill.

3.  May 11th Pack Meeting and Cross Over Ceremony:  At our May Pack meeting (5/11), we will have the Cross Over Ceremony for all of our Scouts who are moving on to the next level.

As part of the ceremony, each Scout will be presented with a new neckerchief that represents his movement to the next level.  (Example:  Tiger Cubs will get Wolf neckerchiefs)  We will have the neckerchiefs for you to purchase, which will save you the trip to the Scout store in Lakewood.  Neckerchiefs are $6.00 before the May 11th meeting and $10.00 the day of the meeting.  Please make checks out to Pack 13. 

We are working to make this a special meeting that is significant to each scout and represents his achievements this year.  Please make sure you purchase a neckerchief for his presentation.

Webelos I will continue to wear the same neckerchiefs as the move forward to Webelos II.  Weblos will receive Eagle feathers, which are $2.00 each. 

You can pay your Den Leader or any of the Scout Leaders (Pack Master, Treasurer, Committee Chair, etc.)

As always, if you have any questions, you can post a comment here and I'll get it or you can email me.

Finally, here are some pictures from this past weekend's Kite Flying Day.  The Scouts had a great time flying kites and their trash collection service project was appreciated by many of the attendees who even thanked several of the boys.  Thank you, Heather Zern, for organizing this event for us!

Thanks for all that you're doing for our Scouts!
Arlene Guillen
Communications Chair